
2024 Bags of Goals: 15

These lists are for the top individual goal kicking tallies for a game each round . The qualifying amount for this list is a bag of 15 or more goals in a game.

This list is based on Senior matches only. If you have any information regarding this section, please email me. I apologise for any omissions.


Week 7: May 11th

Charlie Burrows Waaia FNC v Yarroweyah FNC Picola & Distrct FNL 7
Robbie Hare Allansford FNC v South Rovers FNC Warrnambool & District FNL 6

Week 6: May 4th

Aron Burns Mathoura FNC v Yarroweyah FNC Picola & Distrct FNL 6

Week 5: April 27th

Marcus Darmody Tatyoon FNC v Caramut FNC Mininera & District FNL 2
Josh Mellington Bears Lagoon Serpentine FNC v Newbridge FNC Loddon Valley FNL 3
Lachlan Sharp Bridgewater FNC v Ingelwood FNC Loddon Valley FNL 3

Week 3: April 13th

Frazer Judd   Greta FNC v  Tarrawingee FNC  Ovens & King FNL 3