
CRT Sept 728x90

AFL CentralVictoriaMedia Release | AFL Central Victoria in conjunction with AFL Victoria are pleased to announce the appointment of Cameron Tomlins to the position of Region Manager.

After a recruitment process which generated a significant level of interest in the position, Cameron has been selected to lead the Region at a time when the governance model is
being reset with the introduction of a Region Council.

Cameron will be familiar with the Central Victoria football community having been acting Region Manager since October 2023 and the General Manager of the Bendigo Football Netball League for the previous 5 years. As a Bendigo local with significant community football industry experience, local knowledge and relationships in the Region, Cameron will commence in the role as of 22 April and is well positioned to continue the successful operations of the Region Administration Centre in both Bendigo and Swan Hill which administers all region Leagues.

As Region Manager, Cameron will also lead the region’s growth strategies to maximise participation opportunities by working with AFL Victoria teams, local leagues, clubs and umpire groups focusing on engaging male and female participants. Backfilling of roles in the Region Administration Centre will be a high priority as the community league’s seasons commence which will see AFL Victoria backing the process including the appointment of a Club Development Lead to support club volunteers.

We congratulate Cameron on his appointment as AFL Victoria will work closely with him as he transitions into the role and the establishment of the Region Council