
CRT Sept 728x90

Mid Gippsland FNLSentinal Times | The greatest football club in Australia, certainly one of the most successful, Fish Creek Football Netball Club, has had its clubrooms burnt to the ground this morning, Saturday, November 4.

And with it went 37 years of premiership winning history, the cups, the photos, some of the flags, the memorabilia all gone.

Former Alberton Football League Secretary Stuart Storr described the arson attack on the clubrooms as “absolutely despicable”.

“It seems the incident was an act of arson without a doubt,” said Mr Storr this morning.

“Apparently, they’ve gone in there in the early hours of the morning, ransacked the place for whatever they could get out of it and then when they couldn’t remove something down the stairs, they’ve torched the place.

“It’s an absolute disgrace to think of all that history gone. Unimaginable.”

So hot did the fire burn that very little could be saved and the facility is a total write-off, we're told.

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