CRT Sept 728x90

Bellarine FNLK Rock Football | Arguably the best-performed 1-12 team in Bellarine history, Newcomb has not hesitated in handing coach Tony Mirabella a one-year contract extension.

While Power president Matt Farrow is the first to admit the win column is far from ideal, like the rest of the BFNL, he knows there has been significant improvement in the performance of the club’s senior team.

“We’re really happy with ‘Mirra’ as a package,” Farrow said.

“The win-loss hasn’t gone our way, but coming to Round 14, we’ve got 25 injured, and that hasn’t helped.

“But, not only Mirra but also the assistant coaches and support staff, we’re really happy with the group as a collective.

“Hopefully, we’ll have them all locked away in the next week.”

The highly-respected Mirabella took the reins at Grinter Reserve last year following the mid-season departure of Mitch Troy.

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